The Last Rose of Summer

Product ID: 7464

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Very rare and hard to find Frank Patterson CD

Track Listings
1. The Last Rose Of Summer
2. Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms
3. Oft In The Stilly Night
4. My Nora Creina
5. Has Sorrow Thy Young Days Shaded
6. The Meeting Of The Waters
7. Remember The Glories Of Brian, The Brave
8. Silent O Moyle
9. Oh! Had We Some Bright Little Isle
10. She Is Far From The Land
11. Oh! Arranmore
12. The Legacy
13. Oh! Breathe Not His Name
14. Farewell! But Whenever You Welcome The Hour

  • Track Listings 1. The Last Rose Of Summer 2. Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms 3. Oft In The Stilly Night 4. My Nora Creina 5. Has Sorrow Thy Young Days Shaded 6. The Meeting Of The Waters 7. Remember The Glories Of Brian, The Brave 8. Silent O Moyle 9. Oh! Had We Some Bright Little Isle 10. She Is Far From The Land 11. Oh! Arranmore 12. The Legacy 13. Oh! Breathe Not His Name 14. Farewell! But Whenever You Welcome The Hour
Product Code: 7464


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