Irish County Tartan Fabric 13 oz

Product ID: 49119

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Irish County Tartan Fabric: limitless possibilities! Make your dream creations a reality by using your Irish County’s Tartan. There is a unique tartan for each of the 32 Irish Counties, in addition to the Irish National Tartan. A few Irish clans have their own tartan as well. 

The heavier 13 oz option is also made from 100% pure new wool and is woven with a kilting selvage. It is your best option for kilts, upholstery, and other hard-wearing uses. Sold by the yard, 31″ wide.

  • Best option for kilts, upholstery, and other hard-wearing uses
  • Made from 100% pure new wool and is woven with a kilting selvage
  • A unique tartan for each of the 32 Irish Counties
Product Code: 49119


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